Benefits of Seeing a Hip Pain Doctor Near You

Apr 18, 2024 | Pain Management

Chronic hip pain takes a significant physical and emotional toll on both a person’s body and mind. It can hinder basic daily activities such as standing, walking, and sitting, making it difficult if not impossible to cook, work, garden, or play. 

Thankfully, hip pain doctors — more commonly referred to as pain management specialists — have solutions for addressing this problem effectively. Let’s take a look at what a hip pain doctor can do for you.

When Hip Pain Becomes Chronic

When a person experiences persistent discomfort in the hip joint or surrounding area that lasts three months or longer, it’s considered chronic hip pain. It can be caused by many different factors such as arthritis, bursitis, hip fractures, tendinitis, nerve impingements, and certain diseases like lupus and osteoporosis.

Ignoring chronic hip pain or hoping it gets better on its own is never a good idea. Over time, symptoms can worsen, leading to decreased mobility and potentially serious health complications. If you’ve been experiencing hip pain for 12 weeks or longer, take the time as soon as possible to have a doctor or other medical professional take a look at it.

What Does a Hip Pain Doctor Do? 

A hip pain doctor, or pain management specialist, is a specialist who focuses on diagnosing and treating chronic pain. While general practitioners or orthopedic surgeons may handle a range of medical issues or surgical procedures, a pain management practitioner brings a targeted approach to managing hip pain, often without resorting to surgery.

Seeking care from these medical specialists provides a host of valuable benefits to chronic hip pain patients, including: 

Offer Expert Assessment and Diagnosis

Hip pain doctors have specialized knowledge and experience in their field. They can accurately diagnose the root cause of your chronic hip pain through thorough examinations and tests.

Create a Personalized Treatment Plan

Every patient’s hip pain experience is unique, which is why a specialist evaluates their specific symptoms, lifestyle, and overall health to design an individual treatment plan. They often use a combination of treatments such as physical therapy, medication management, lifestyle modifications, or advanced treatments like nerve blocks or radiofrequency ablations. Their goal is to reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, and prevent further damage to the hip joint.

Improve Your Quality of Life

Chronic hip pain can affect your mobility, sleep quality, mood, and overall ability to enjoy life. By managing your hip pain, you can regain your mobility, get better sleep, improve your health, and get your life back.

Provide Ongoing Support and Care

Chronic conditions require ongoing management. A hip pain doctor offers continuous care, support, and adjustments to your treatment plan based on your evolving needs and progress.

Find a Hip Pain Doctor Near You Through HPM

If you’re in Western or Midwestern states like Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, or Washington, consider reaching out to HPM. We specialize in providing pain management care at rural clinics throughout these regions. 

Our specialists are highly trained to diagnose the true source of each patient’s pain and provide a variety of advanced medical treatments including nerve blocks, trigger point injections, and radiofrequency ablations. 

Living with chronic hip pain can be challenging but help is available. Consult a pain management specialist who can guide you through your journey towards pain relief and improved quality of life. Contact us today to find a hip pain doctor near you.