
Find a Location Near You

At Holistic Pain Management we’re committed to providing personalized treatment plans for patients living in rural America. Our goal is to bring care to your community and keep you close to home.

Find an HPM Pain Specialist Close to Home

Locate a Holistic Pain Management clinic near you. We currently offer services in the following states:

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Colorado  |  Idaho  |  Kansas  |  Minnesota  |  Missouri Montana  |  Nebraska   |  Washington  |  Wyoming

Better Outcomes for Patients Like You

We work directly with local hospitals to bring specialized, pain management treatments to communities like yours. HPM offers shorter wait times, less travel, and better outcomes for patients like you.

Can’t find a pain care provider in your area? Chat with us to suggest a new location. We’re always expanding our services throughout the United States.

Grandmother with Grandchild
Woman outdoors smiling