HPM University Fellowship
Physician Assistants & Nurse Practitioners
Enrolling in an HPM University Fellowship Provides:
Designed and Led by HPM Practitioners to Equip and Empower Future HPM Leaders
Our Unique Hands-on, Interactive Training Model:
Committed to Excellence in Our Competitive Selection Process
HPM University only accepts and graduates the most capable and motivated clinicians. Our interview process allows us to select providers with the required technical skills who align with our core values of compassion, integrity, and dedication to serving underserved communities. Our rigorous candidate selection process maintains the highest standards of care and professionalism.
Admission Requirements
Curriculum Highlights
We’re Committed to Your Success as a Leader in Specialty Pain Management
Financial Support
Pursuing an NSPM fellowship through HPM University requires dedication and upfront investment in your education. Therefore, HPM provides tuition reimbursement and monetary stipends to assist clinicians in offsetting the time and financial requirements.
Post-Graduation Support
After graduation, clinicians enter a one-year mentorship program, which provides immediate access to faculty for clinical questions and case reviews. Graduates also receive access to reference materials to develop evidence-based practices.